For the first episode of Commit Access, I wanted to sit down with & learn more about a relatively recent committer to WordPress core – someone who I’ve been chatting with almost daily on Slack for a few months now, and who I was able to share a dinner of dumplings with at WordCamp US just a few short weeks ago in Philadelphia.
Felix & I spent just over 90 minutes chatting about Germany, WordPress Multisite, WordCamp US, and more. You can follow him on Twitter @felixarntz and his WordPress commits from his WordPress.org profile (where we use BuddyPress to aggregate all of our activity across the entire WordPress.org network of sites.)
- Twenty Sixteen & React WordPress Theme from 10up
- WP Network Roles WordPress Plugin
- Global Admin WordPress Plugin
- Pressnomics 5

This inaugural episode of Commit Access was generously sponsored by Pluginize, your trusted source for extending WordPress across the finish line, from our friends at WebDevStudios.
If you liked this episode, please check back weekly for more!